The Westbrook Focus website was originally connected to the now defunct Westbrook Focus Group inc. The local directory was first formed as an initiative of the Focus Group. When the Westbrook Focus Group voted to wind-up in 2021, one of the members (Steve Adams) desired to continue the website for the purpose of promoting the local directory and also adding local events and rainfall information.
Westbrook Focus is run by volunteers for the benefit of the Westbrook community. As we are not a business, all listings in the directory and events list are entirely free. Anyone who lives in Westbrook, may provide the details of their business (even if the business is not located in Westbrook) for the directory. Likewise, business or services located in Westbrook may also have their details listed in the directory.
The events directory will primarily focus on events that will take place in Westbrook itself. It does not seek to be an events calendar for the broader Toowoomba Region. However, some other events may be added at times that may be of specific interest to Westbrook residents.
Westbrook is a wonderful place to live. We have people who care about each other and support each other. We hope our website will be a blessing to the community we love.
Steve Adams
Westbrook Focus